Monthly Archives: September 2013

Etna Interactive

Master Your Online Reputation: Go Beyond 5 Stars – Webinar from 9/17/13

Surgeons worldwide are concerned about online reputation, and for good reason. A recent study from Digital Assent showed that, for 72% of patients, poor doctor reviews could be a deal-breaker. In this 1 hour webinar I go beyond "5 stars" to help you understand the array of factors that impact your reputation online. You'll learn... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Surgical Residents Series Part 5

  Part 5: Choosing a Marketing Partner When it comes time to select a marketing partner, what you don’t know can hurt you. Careful attention should be paid to the intersection between your needs and the needs of a potential marketing partner. Not all vendors are created equal; many vendors have areas of expertise or... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Surgical Residents Series Part 4

  Part 4: What it Takes to Earn Top Google Rankings Today Google's ever-changing criteria can make trying to rank on their first page organic search results feel like shooting at a moving target. In this video, I’ll tell you how to navigate those challenges to get your site on page one. What Are Top... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Surgical Residents Series Part 3

  Part 3: A Successful Website Starts With a Plan You wouldn’t start building a house without a plan. Likewise, there are 3 objectives that you’ll want to consider before you begin to build your website: Aesthetic Objectives Your site design should not only be beautiful, it should also differentiate and build a recognizable brand... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Surgical Residents Series Part 2

  Part 2: Online Marketing Priorities Once you’ve decided on a practice model, you’ll start wearing a lot of hats in addition to your surgeon cap: entrepreneur, broadcaster, and regulator. After you’ve chosen an online marketing partner and begin to map out a strategy, beware of “shiny” new tactics to begin with. Instead, start with... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Surgical Residents Series Part 1

  Part 1: Practice Dynamics & Your Online Marketing Whether you choose to go into private, group, or institutional practice will directly influence the opportunities and challenges of your online marketing strategies. Context is paramount; being mindful of how to navigate within your practice environment will ultimately allow you to more successfully grow your business.... Continue Reading

What happens when the best photo gallery in the business meets AI? First Draft for Curator B&A generates SEO-optimized case descriptions for next-level gallery visibility and performance.