Monthly Archives: December 2012

Etna Interactive

I’m Having Trouble Tracking Patient Referral Sources. Any Suggestions?

I'm having trouble tracking patient referral sources.  When I ask them how they found Dr. Cohen, the response I'm getting is "the website" or "the Internet". No one seems to remember exactly how they find the website. Any suggestions? It's a good problem to have - a steady stream of new patients from the Web.  But... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

How Many Before and After Photos Are Enough?

We are working with a long-time client on redesigning their site.  The practice manager asked, "About how many pictures ideally do we need on the website? We obviously don’t have enough, but how high are we aiming?" Presenting before and after photos on your website isn't just about quantity, it's also about quality.  Simply stated,... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Do you have any tips for taking great before and after photos?

How can I get great looking procedure photos to help build my online gallery? By following a few simple tips, you'll be snapping pictures like a pro in no time, and building up your galleries with real patient cases. We've put together some helpful hints and a few sample pictures to help you get great... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

How Do I Find an SEO Vendor I Can Trust?

I get this question almost every day, "How do I find an SEO vendor I can trust?" We promise our clients that we will not help a competing practice within 15 miles of their location.  Today that means that we turn away about 8 out of every 10 new business opportunities.  Inevitably, the surgeon or... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Is Mobile Marketing Right for Your Practice?

  The way people use the Internet is changing. By 2013, more people will be using mobile phones than PCs to get online. So, yes! It's time to start adapting your Web presence to serve the mobile user. Your current website, developed for a full-size screen, will still work, but it just won't be that... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Pay-Per-Lead Medical Marketing

Are pay-per-lead marketing programs legal? An emerging trend in medical marketing treats patients like commodities and puts medical professionals in serious legal peril.  Pay per lead programs, a popular form of online affiliate marketing, are popping up like weeds in the elective healthcare industry.  These programs charge a set fee for the name and contact... Continue Reading

What happens when the best photo gallery in the business meets AI? First Draft for Curator B&A generates SEO-optimized case descriptions for next-level gallery visibility and performance.