Monthly Archives: March 2014

Etna Interactive

Five Steps to a Content Marketing Plan

At one time, content was just content. People cared about educating their audience with quality information and making sure the grammar was accurate. Well today, content strategy is more powerful than ever, and it's no longer just about providing information. We all want to be seen on the Web, and to be found, you must... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Reputation: Are You Killing It, or Getting Killed?

Online reputation has been a hot topic for over a year now. And, while this will probably be the last time I cover the topic this year, I’m excited to share some new and compelling data we’ve collected that will help guide your practice’s online reputation strategy. Qualitative Analysis of Online Complaints Study Criteria &... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

ICD-10 Preparedness for Procrastinators

This hourlong webinar, hosted by Etna Interactive President Ryan Miller and presented by KarenZupko & Associates, Inc. President Karen Zupko, outlines a specific, practical, and actionable plan of what you can do to prepare for the ICD-10 launch Oct. 1. Even if only a small percentage of your revenue comes from reconstructive surgery, you'll miss... Continue Reading

What happens when the best photo gallery in the business meets AI? First Draft for Curator B&A generates SEO-optimized case descriptions for next-level gallery visibility and performance.