Category Archives: Local Search

Orange background with geometric pattern of AI icons and rising chart icons.

How Do AI & Search Engines Value Your Unique Credentials? 

There has been a recent surge in generative AI search engines, but what factors do they use to rank medical providers and how do they impact aesthetic practice marketing? Our CEO Ryan Miller outlines what generative AI actually knows about your practice, experience, and credentials, and how to appeal to these new search results and... Continue Reading

Ten questions to ask when planning your online marketing strategy

Plastic Surgery Marketing Strategies: 10 Things You Can Do Today To Take the Lead

Tackling your plastic surgery marketing strategy can be daunting, but don't let it intimidate you. As a practice leader, you already have the knowledge to lead your strategic planning---really. This post will guide you through ten straightforward, do-able exercises that will help you replace your anxiety with excitement and eagerness to get your team working... Continue Reading

5 Ways to Take up More Real Estate in Google Search Results

Google rankings are a dog-eat-dog proposition. Rankings fluctuate widely over time, from week to week, day to day, hour to hour, and minute to minute. Just because you rank well in one moment is no guarantee that you’ll maintain that ranking position. Luckily, there are things you can do to increase your brand’s visibility in... Continue Reading

Four Ways to Increase Your Online Visibility

Online marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. In the infographic below, we walk you through four straight forward tips to increase the online visibility of your brand. What are some of the ways to improve your business’s online presence? Make your website work for you by focusing on the user experience and ensuring your content... Continue Reading

What Google’s BERT Algorithm Means for Medical Marketing

Last month Google released what they are calling the biggest change to online search in five years. In this blog, CEO Ryan Miller breaks down the reasons behind this change and how it is affecting our industry. While Google claims you are not able to directly optimize for this new type of search, there are... Continue Reading

More Patients for Multi-Location Practices: The Ultimate Guide to Local SEO for Medical Groups

The recent trend toward consolidation has created unique marketing challenges for group practices with multiple locations and providers. Greatest among them is how to generate the right quantity and quality of new patient inquiries to satisfy all of your stakeholders. This webinar addresses the most pressing SEO and local optimization questions asked by group medical... Continue Reading

Google My Business: 4 Big Changes Creating Risk & Opportunity For Your Clinic

Google My Business recently rolled out some new (and important) features within the platform. It's especially important for medical practices to understand these updates because they have the potential to create risk and reward for your brand and online presence. In this month's video, CEO Ryan Miller dives right into the powerful new features, what these updates mean for your practice, and... Continue Reading

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What happens when the best photo gallery in the business meets AI? First Draft for Curator B&A generates SEO-optimized case descriptions for next-level gallery visibility and performance.