Monthly Archives: December 2013

Etna Interactive

2014 Search Trends for Medical Device & Pharmaceutical Companies

Recent changes at Google have opened up some important search result opportunities for medical device & pharmaceutical companies. In this video, I’ll explain how you can leverage these new opportunities to boost your search ranking in 2014. No time for the video? Read the notes below. Search Trends Spell Opportunity Search results within search results;... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

The Changing Face of Google’s Local Search

A whirlwind of changes that started in June of this year have altered the way Google displays its local search results. And, as the dust begins to settle, a new normal is emerging that will require a shift in your local marketing strategy. The regional battle for first page rankings now involves fighting the Superpowers;... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Then & Now: The Evolution of Web Content Marketing

With the vast number of media channels available today, consumers have the power to make decisions that drive market trends. Now more than ever, consumers are in control of what they watch, read, and share. When consumers are unengaged with the content on one particular channel, they can easily move to another. The days when... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Jump-Start Your Social Media Campaign With Email Marketing

The term "social media" is becoming the norm for businesses and consumers alike. As the popular saying goes, if you aren't using social media in your business, you are "missing the boat." However, before you step onto the boat, it's important to examine the channels your business is already using. Then you can jump aboard... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Boston Marathon Project Heal, Logo Development

Developing a typographic logo is a challenge to express an idea, in this case a cause, thorough the structure and quirks of letterforms. For this piece, the city of Boston provided the inspiration. From its expressive sports team logo marks to the vernacular lettering and rich history, a multitude of display faces were available to... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Search Engines Yield Nearly Identical Inquiry Results

Everyone knows that Google holds the lion's share of the search market ... but does Google offer any inherent advantage in moving a person from prospect to patient? As it turns out, the data says, "No!" We wondered whether a Bing searcher was any more likely to become a patient than a Google searcher? We... Continue Reading

What happens when the best photo gallery in the business meets AI? First Draft for Curator B&A generates SEO-optimized case descriptions for next-level gallery visibility and performance.