Monthly Archives: December 2017

Building Equity Online From Day One: 7 Ways To Create Value For Your Brand

Smart choices online deliver more value to potential patients. Creating online equity for your brand is something that medical practices can work on from day one — and it's not as lofty a goal as you might think. More than anything, it's a mindset: approaching online marketing with an eye on the future. For example, when you... Continue Reading

Q2′ 2017: Benchmarks For Aesthetic Practice Online Inquiry Conversion

Not all leads are created equal. Sometimes patients reach out and follow through with scheduling their consultation right away. Others express that initial interest but end up being a bit slower to commit. So what's in a lead, then? Every practice's answer is a little different. That's why analyzing and auditing your lead data can... Continue Reading

What happens when the best photo gallery in the business meets AI? First Draft for Curator B&A generates SEO-optimized case descriptions for next-level gallery visibility and performance.