Call Tracking

Enhance the patient experience, get a clearer picture of your lead sources, and dial-up your ROI.

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Make Every Lead Count.

How can you know where to invest your marketing efforts for the greatest return if you aren't sure where your leads are coming from? You can't. With our Call Tracking product, you get real-time campaign metrics that guide your content creation and lead cultivation. Integrating Call Tracking into all your marketing efforts is a key component of campaign management. Without it, campaign data is incomplete, or even worse—misleading.

60% (or more) of leads are by phone versus by forms.

Resource: Etna Interactive

How Call Tracking Helps You Grow Your Business

Gain Deeper Insight Into Lead Origin

Call Tracking assigns a unique identifying phone number to each of your marketing channels, such as your website, social campaigns, paid ads, etc.

Increase Return on Marketing Spend

Your Etna Account Executive reviews reports that show call details for your tracking numbers, using this information to enhance your marketing efforts.

Improve Lead Conversion Rates

When a prospect dials the Call Tracking number, we capture valuable lead information and (optionally) record calls while seamlessly forwarding them to the main office line. Calls longer than 60 seconds are automatically forwarded to Core, our proprietary lead management software.

Enhance Customer Service

Regular review of call records allows you to uncover training opportunities for improved call handling skills.

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