Monthly Archives: May 2008

Etna Interactive

Web Video: What Patients Really Want

Some of the leading medical marketing companies are making fantastic claims about video Web sites, but last week I presented 8 reasons why you should question the value of video. Any successful business person needs to look at any new venture with a healthy dose of skepticism and a good amount of due diligence. Maybe you've... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Video Web Sites: 8 Reasons to Question the Value of Video

There are more than a few medical marketing agencies evangelizing video and "video Web sites." In future issues I'll explain how video can deliver good value for your patients and your practice, and I'll even share what patients themselves say about Web videos. But this week, I'm asking you to be a little skeptical. Video... Continue Reading

What happens when the best photo gallery in the business meets AI? First Draft for Curator B&A generates SEO-optimized case descriptions for next-level gallery visibility and performance.