Category Archives: Social Media Management

July 29, 2021 Know Before You Post: Legal and Regulatory Considerations for Medical Office Social Media Contributors

Know Before You Post: Legal and Regulatory Considerations for Medical Office Social Media Contributors

While social media provides a great opportunity to connect with both new and existing patients, are you aware of all the guidelines and regulations when it comes to sharing on these platforms as a medical practice? In this video, Etna Interactive CEO Ryan Miller takes us through the requirements that you need to be thinking... Continue Reading

How iOS 14.5 App Tracking Transparency Impacts Targeted Medical Advertising

Recently, there has been a lot of news around the release of Apple’s latest operating system and how it will affect targeted advertising on social media. While Facebook is claiming that this transparency will largely impact the advertising efforts of small businesses, we want to help you understand what exactly has changed in terms of... Continue Reading

Four Ways to Increase Your Online Visibility

Online marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. In the infographic below, we walk you through four straight forward tips to increase the online visibility of your brand. What are some of the ways to improve your business’s online presence? Make your website work for you by focusing on the user experience and ensuring your content... Continue Reading

How To Help Your Community On Social Media

How to Help Your Community on Social Media

At Etna Interactive, we cultivate success through partnership, and we know that many of our own clients partner with local organizations to help worthy causes in their areas. Right now, many charitable organizations are in need of resources, from blood banks desperate for donors to food banks running low on supplies to homeless shelters searching... Continue Reading

Everything you need to know about why you should be running pay-per-click ads on social media and Google during shelter-in-place

Why You Should be Running Facebook & Google Ads Right Now

Social media platforms play a critical role in keeping us informed, entertained, and, most importantly, connected. With COVID-19’s shelter-in-place orders and social distancing mandates, this has never been more true. With just about everyone embracing social media as their go-to source for both personal communication and updated business information, the time is ideal for your... Continue Reading

Etna video newsletter message: Google or Facebook ads? (Or both?)

Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads: Which Is Right For Your Clinic?

"Should I be using Google Ads or Facebook Ads?" This is one of the most frequent questions we receive at Etna Interactive. And while each platform is great for reaching your customers online, the answer is always the same: It depends. In this month's blog post, CEO Ryan Miller discusses the difference between the two, as well... Continue Reading

Appropriate Use of Social Media for Medical Professionals

Social media is here to stay. If you're a business competing in the social area, it's getting more and more difficult to stand out from the rest of the crowd. This holds especially true in medical marketing, and sometimes, medical practices find themselves getting online attention for all the wrong reasons. In our latest video, CEO... Continue Reading

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