Category Archives: Project Operations

Etna Interactive

Looking Back Moves You Forward

As a project manager, my primary goal is to constantly improve production processes so that I can continue to meet — and hopefully exceed — internal and client expectations. Although there are many tactics to fulfilling this goal, I feel that a project post-mortem is the greatest opportunity at my fingertips and the most beneficial... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

A Great Client Request

As a project coordinator at Etna, I receive client requests daily from our account executives. However, every once in a while, a client will directly request a site update. I recently received one of the best, most thorough requests, so I had to brag. This client really impressed me by providing me with the following:... Continue Reading

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What happens when the best photo gallery in the business meets AI? First Draft for Curator B&A generates SEO-optimized case descriptions for next-level gallery visibility and performance.