The Aesthetic Meeting 2017

The Aesthetic Meeting 2017

It’s that time of year again, time for one of the biggest events in our industry: ASAPS The Aesthetic Meeting 2017. This year’s event promises to be even more exciting, as we celebrate a milestone anniversary for ASAPS, heralded as “50 Years of the Art of Aesthetics.”

Between meeting with our clients and new prospects, I will speak on panels, deliver short talks, and lead an educational course:


Friday, April 28

Global Hot Topics
Online Reputation
3:43 pm – 3:58 pm
New Apps/Technology
4:05 pm – 4:15 pm

Monday, May 1

Practice Changers
Secrets of the Top 10%
12:45 pm – 1:00 pm, Station Two

Educational Course
Cultivating Authority Online: Where Reputation and Rankings Intersect
2 CME Credits
4:30 pm – 6:30 pm


Speaking at this meeting is always a great honor for me. I got into this business to help aesthetics professionals grow their businesses, and this is a very “hands on” way for me to do that. Delivering valuable advice and insights directly to the country’s top board-certified plastic surgeons and their teams is one of the most rewarding things I do professionally.

I also encourage you to visit our team at booth #842 in the Aesthetic Marketplace, April 29 – May 1. In addition to offering some great swag, we’re available to answer your questions and discuss the many ways you can grow your practice through strategic, integrated online marketing.

I hope to see you there!

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