Why Social Media Marketing Is Like Designing a Greeting Card
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Etna Interactive
2040 Broad St
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone: (866) 374-3762
Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
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As someone who spent the first 8 years of my career working in a couple of (fantastic) TV newsrooms, I feel fortunate to have landed in social media marketing. That's because it offers many of the same characteristics I loved about news, as well as a constant stream of opportunities to learn something new. Each... Continue Reading
After years of preaching the importance of running a campaign on a third-party application, Facebook has lifted its here. If these don't quite fit your needs, we can always create a custom application for you. If you've used a third-party app to run a promotion, share your experience in a comment below. We'd love to... Continue Reading