Etna Interactive

Online Marketing Resolutions for 2014

The New Year has probably got you thinking about some important changes you can make to improve your life in 2014. For our inaugural newsletter of 2014, I’ve adapted some of the most common New Year’s resolutions with online marketing in mind.

Lose the Wait

2 separate research studies conducted here at Etna revealed that long wait times have a significant negative effect on conversion rates (from inquiry to consultation) in your practice.

Get Organized

Take a look at your marketing team (Web vendor, public relations vendor, contributing staff, etc.), and do what you can to help them self-organize.

Save More

I’m not just talking about money here. Instead, think about saving more of your success, insight, and ideas for posterity. You can do this online through publishing your before and after photos, blog posts, social media activity, and the videos that you record and share.

Enjoy Life to the Fullest

Don’t substitute quantity for quality. Pick a couple online marketing tactics that you enjoy, and figure out how to do them well.

Make Healthy Choices

Healthy online marketing choices are driven by data. Avoid gut impulses by gathering data from google analytics, website stats, email, etc.

Learn Something New

Put a feedback system in place where you can actively encourage patients to communicate their feelings about their experience with your practice.

Quit Smoking

On a more serious and personal note, I lost the 4th member of my family to smoking last year. For the benefit of yourself and your family, let this be the year that you quit.

Help Others in their Dreams

Showcase your patient’s success stories by setting aside any reservations about privacy and ask if you can share their story online.

Find Love

Actively work to cultivate reviews and media coverage through your brand advocates. Put a system in place where you can publicly share the positivity of your patients.

Spend More Time with Family

Your family is your staff, loyal past patients, fans and followers, etc. Take the time to invest more energy in connecting with the people who support you.

Pick Your Resolution

Be careful not to overdo it; I recommend choosing one or two of the below resolutions to focus your energy on in the New Year. If you’re still feeling ambitious, add a few more resolutions to your list, but make sure to divide them up on your calendar so that you have ample time to devote to each one.

  • Minimize patient wait times.
  • Organize your online team.
  • Set monthly goals for publishing blog posts, photos, and videos.
  • Pick one thing you enjoy online and do it well.
  • Let data drive your decisions.
  • Facilitate patient feedback.
  • Showcase how you help others.
  • Cultivate positive reviews and media coverage.
  • Invest in social media and internal marketing programs.

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