
Etna Interactive

A Great Client Request

As a project coordinator at Etna, I receive client requests daily from our account executives. However, every once in a while, a client will directly request a site update. I recently received one of the best, most thorough requests, so I had to brag. This client really impressed me by providing me with the following:... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Website User Interfaces: A Few Examples

In previous posts in this series about UI, we went over what user interface is and why it is critical to a tricks of the trade to plan great UI. Next, we are going to show you a few tools our developers and engineers use to program our websites, and we will showcase a few... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Web Site User Interfaces: How to Make It Great

At Etna, we design, write, develop and engineer every website to be beautiful, informative and easy to use. It is imperative to us that every site has a great user interface (UI). In the first post in our series on UI, we went over what user interface is and why it is critical to a... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Web Site User Interfaces: The Basics

At Etna, our programmers and designers work together to come up with a great user experience on our customers' websites. User interface (UI) is a very important component of a successful site. In this first post in our series on UI, we will be discussing what exactly UI is and why our team pays so much attention to it as we design, develop and engineer websites.... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Beautiful Web Typography

When I was in middle school, I made my first website for a class project. I chose a unique font that looked awesome, and made my text fit perfectly in the layout. I was proud of my impeccable design. When it was finally time to show off my website at school, I was mortified to see that my beautiful... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

HTML5: The Future is Now

Even before Apple's Steve Jobs published his "Thoughts on Flash," it was clear to developers around the world that HTML5 would be the markup language underlying the best websites on the Internet for many years to come. The adoption of HTML5 by the most popular modern Web browsers - Internet Explorer 9, Safari, Firefox, Chrome,... Continue Reading

Etna Interactive

Software Development Methodologies for Web Application Development

Delivering complex Web applications on time and on budget is a difficult engineering task. It requires that the engineer be conscious of the big picture - the client’s business case - and the individual components that make up the larger system. Each individual line of code helps realize the larger vision and serves the client.... Continue Reading

What happens when the best photo gallery in the business meets AI? First Draft for Curator B&A generates SEO-optimized case descriptions for next-level gallery visibility and performance.