Etna Interactive

Hiring a PR Firm

In February, Etna hosted a webinar on generating local media coverage that featured 3 public relations experts who specialize in the field of aesthetic medicine. One of the most common questions we received from attendees was, “How do I go about hiring a PR firm if I decide I can’t do it myself?”

If you don’t have time for the video, take a look at the steps below to learn how to select your perfect PR partner.

6 Tips to Find Your Perfect PR Partner

  1. Define Your Goals
    • Media relations: Earn positive and meaningful coverage.
    • Award entry and recognition: Earn attention for quality.
    • Special projects: Get coverage of service launches, relocation, or events.
  2. Weigh Specialization Against Location
    Each of our panelists from February’s webinar is a great example of a PR practitioner who specializes in aesthetic medicine on a broad regional scale. But if you’re looking for local media coverage, you may want to consider a local PR firm.
  3. Ask for Relevant Samples
    Ask to see a PR firm’s press release samples, earned news coverage, video examples, and so on. By examining their work, you’ll not only be able to get an idea of quality, but you can also consider how compatible the firm will be with your practice’s goals.
  4. Meet the Team
    Often the senior person that sells you on services is not the person you’ll be working with. Especially in the area of public relations, someone as junior as an intern may actually be doing the writing, pitching, and distributing.
  5. Negotiate Favorable Terms
    Public relations is a services rendered field. Your contract will outline an array of services that the firm will agree to deliver on, and you may or may not get the results that you want. Make sure that you understand and agree with the service terms, including where and how costs might exceed your expectation during the course of the contract.
  6. Check 4 References
    Most people can come up with 3, but an additional reference is difficult for people to find. And, in my experience, it’s that extra positive reference that really makes the difference.

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