In 2017, Mobile-First Is an Imperative

Google has made its New Year’s resolution for 2017, and it’s one you’ll want to pay attention to. In a matter of months, Google will be moving to a “mobile-first” search index — meaning your mobile experience will become a primary factor in how you rank for searches. In other words, web design and mobile design are officially the same thing in the eyes of Google.

It’s not hard to see why, even in our industry: 68% of all healthcare searches in 2015 were on mobile devices.

But that’s not all. Google is taking a closer look at other aspects of your website, too. Is it secure? Are you bombarding the user with pop-up advertising? And how are you structuring the content the user actually wants to view?

In our latest video, I break it all down and explain how to make sure your website is ready for the changes.

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