Etna Interactive

Why I Love Social Media

Besides social media being ever-changing and a unique experience for each person, it’s also about creating a connection, building trust and inadvertent marketing. And this is why I love it.

Creating a Connection
Never before has creating a connection with customers been more fun and more personable. Social media allows us to speak to customers as if we are solely speaking to them and it gives them a chance to ask questions and communicate directly with a brand. When a brand is proactive and responds to the customer it not only makes them feel acknowledged, it’s shows other users that the business is taking the time to answer customers’ questions. This is where the relationship building process begins.

Building Trust
Now that the trust building process has started, the business is on its way to creating customers for life. When there’s trust, the buying process for the consumer is seamless, and they are able to make quicker, more confident purchases.

Inadvertent marketing
Once trust is established, the fun can begin and social media nearly becomes hands-off for the business. We, as consumers, are more likely to trust our peers when it comes to where to do business than we are an advertisement. If a business has happy consumers, these consumers are more likely to spread the word with their social networks.

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