Etna Interactive

2014 Search Trends for Medical Device & Pharmaceutical Companies

Recent changes at Google have opened up some important search result opportunities for medical device & pharmaceutical companies. In this video, I’ll explain how you can leverage these new opportunities to boost your search ranking in 2014.

No time for the video? Read the notes below.

Search Trends Spell Opportunity

  • Search results within search results; local searches for brand names now commonly include optimized results from brand sites.
  • Content marketing.
  • Online reputation.

Grab Page 1 Placement for Your Brand Searches

  • Deploy optimized search result pages within your locator.

Engage a Content Marketing Strategy in 2014

Ann Handley’s article, 3 Content Marketing Lessons From Big Brands, highlights some important takeaways that I’ve adapted for medical device & pharmaceutical companies.

  • Designate a brand journalist to proliferate customer-centric content. Find the person in your organization that will regularly tell the story of your brand and distribute it.
  • Tell the story of how you benefit practices or patients. How does your product help the end user?
  • Deploy campaigns to capitalize on community. Online community doesn’t only come in the form of a company’s blog or social media efforts, but through third party sites like RealSelf.

Reputation Predictions

  • Patient selection and expectation management will draw renewed attention.
  • RealSelf will continue to dominate, but brand discussions will proliferate.
  • Campaigns that engage communities will climb.
  • Brands that emphasize training and education will prevail.

Capitalize on 2014 Search Trends

  • Grab page 1 placement for brand searches.
  • Engage a content marketing strategy.
  • Undertake training to protect reputation.

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