Etna Interactive

The Latest in Social Media – Facebook Advertising

Facebook controls how many of your Fans will see each of your practice’s posts based on a complex and evolving algorithm. While it may seem like a daunting task, there is a lot you can still do to fight the algorithm updates.

In this video, I highlight the 2 most effective forms of Facebook advertising that Etna uses for its clients.

Facebook Promoted Posts

The goal behind promoted posts is to increase engagement on your page. This includes the reach, likes, comments, shares, and clicks on your posts.

  • Run one promoted post per week
  • Link to a page on your website or blog
  • Keep the post length to about 2 to 3 sentences
  • Use a $20 to $50 advertising budget
  • Test targeted demographics
  • Target new followers who are near your practice

Facebook Like Ad

The goal of these is to increase your Fan numbers with targeted people in your area who would be interested in your business. These ads should include a short and catchy headline (up to 90 words) and a branded graphic.

  • Locations – Choose your city and up to 2 nearby cities
  • Interests – Choose 5 to 10 interests
  • Connections – Only people not connected to your page
  • Budget – $5 to $10 per day
  • Bidding – Optimize for Page Likes
  • Estimated Daily Reach – At least 1,000 people

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