Etna Interactive

Web Marketing Stuff I Didn’t Even Know Existed

As a new Web developer, I came into my position with a design background and user-interface knowledge, but I quickly realized there is so much more to developing websites at Etna Interactive! Etna has a lot of Web marketing stuff figured out. Here are just a few of the things I’ve learned since I started here:

Google is the Boss

There are a lot of specifications and ways of coding a site that allow Google to interact better with the content. This basically means better SEO in all search engines. Whether it is contributing authorship to content pages or coding addresses in a certain way, living up to “Google standards” is beneficial for a top-notch website.

Different Platforms and Frameworks Provide More Features

OK, I knew there were different frameworks and programming languages, but Etna isn’t afraid to mix it up and push for innovation in our site building. Since starting here, I have been further exposed to ColdFusion, ASP.NET, and WordPress. These are languages or platforms that have different strengths and provide a range of features so we can customize each website to achieve a client’s specific goals: blogging, capturing leads, providing unique user experiences, and more.

Trackable Phone Numbers

What? It’s a brilliant idea! I don’t have a marketing background, so I may be unaware of some basic strategies, but regardless, this is a neat and useful tool. We can set up the website to display different phone numbers based on how the visitors arrive at the website. Say they come via an advertisement on Facebook; the website will show them a unique telephone number, different than the standard number. Then we track how many calls are made to the unique number. This way you can tell whether online advertising is working.

These are just a few examples of the tactics and strategies that Etna has perfected in order to improve Web marketing for our clients. I haven’t even mentioned newsletter and email marketing, social media management and applications, reputation building with fan club and reviews pages … the list could go on! I love learning something new every day to help our clients. But with all the rapid changes in the search and Web marketing world, I don’t just learn something new every day — I learn lots of new things every day!

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