The Insider’s Guide to DIY Marketing: What We Learned & What Comes Next

At Etna, we believe in success through partnership. That means working on behalf of our clients as well as empowering you to take your own growth and success to new heights.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Etna produced the Insider’s Guide to DIY Marketing to support the elective healthcare industry. This series of downloadable guides helped practice leaders and their staff get scrappy with their strategies and make their marketing dollars go further than ever when it mattered most.

As we expected, our partners rose to the challenge and elevated their marketing efforts in impressive and inspiring new ways. Many of our partners discovered a common truth: with creativity and perseverance, amazing things can happen, even when the future is uncertain.

Inside the Guide

We initially launched the guide to help our elective medicine partners immediately navigate the COVID-19 crisis. In light of restrictions and forced closures, our clients were facing uncertainty and the reality that marketing would need to happen on a tighter budget. Any marketing spend would need to really count.

To cover as much ground as possible, we touched on multiple marketing channels, including:

  • Email marketing
  • Advertising
  • Blogging
  • Social media
  • Video
  • Link building
  • Lead magnets
  • Branding

Each installment included tips for attracting new leads, growing brand awareness, and building trust with customers, all while on a limited budget. We also compiled a list of Online Marketing Support for Elective Practices to provide information and resources for navigating the crisis and its economic implications.

What We Learned

Our most popular guides spoke to what our partners were most curious to learn.

Growing Your Email List Is as Easy as 1-2-3 (Open Rate: 62%, Click Rate 33%)

The guide included 3 simple tools for expanding an email list, practical ideas for getting creative to support growth strategies, and free bonus tips for continuing email list growth when reopening the office.

6 Topics to Keep Your Blog Moving During COVID-19 (Open Rate: 60%, Click Rate: 28%)

Providing instruction on how to write a blog post, this guide included an example of a blog outline to use as a writing road map, 6 topics to draw from for new and relevant content, and a few pointers to keep in mind during brainstorming.

Boosting Your Google My Business Listing (Open Rate: 50%, Click Rate: 31%)

This installment featured an overview of the role GMB listings play in local search results, tips for where to start in auditing and optimizing your listing, and a list of “nice-to-haves” for further opportunities to boost your GMB.

The interest in these guides reinforced the philosophy that a blend of scrappy ingenuity and strategic marketing investments leads to more authentic and effective marketing.

“They were all good, concise, and useful information. I hope more are coming! Part of the greatness of working with you!” 

Michael S. Beckenstein, M.D. FACS

What Comes Next

As practices reopen—some to more demand than ever—the key now is maintaining momentum. The advice compiled in the Insider’s Guide doesn’t apply only to times of crisis. In fact, following through on the efforts made and the relationships built during COVID-19 is one of the most important things you can do, not only to keep growing now but to continue building a stronger foundation for whatever happens in the future.

You can download all installments of the free guide today. You’ll get access to:

  • Practical guides you can apply today to help your practice thrive
  • Up-to-date insights reflecting industry advancements
  • Content guides with templates you can put to use within minutes
  • Tactics to benefit your practice in both the short and long term

You’ll also be signed up to receive any bonus editions published in the future, so you’ll never miss out on insider tips and tricks.

As always, Etna’s marketing experts are available to answer any questions you have about growing your elective medical practice. Contact us or give us a call at (866) 374-3762.

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